Sea Shepherds are only undermining the actual legitimacy of their cause. This complete lack of regard for human life and risk of long term environmental damage shows that "Capt." Watson has lost sight of his original goal of protecting the whale population and has turned to full focus on making the most material damage the fishing fleet. How much damage will these "conservationists" cause to the whale population when they breech the hull of one of the whaling ships, or their own, and have a ship dumping fuel and lube oil, among who knows what else, into the sensitive habitat? It nothing but disgusts me to watch. But hey, it could be so simple that the enviroment does'nt realy matter at all, that it's the provocation, violence and crying in public when the other boys in the sandpit hits back. Oh all the disgusting humans out there, why dont youst do something constructive with your lifes. But as we all know its not doing the best that matters, it's doing what you believe in.